Monday, March 16, 2015

Book II of Nova Phase is out!

Book II of Nova Phase has finally dropped over on amazon:
 You should go buy it. Or tell everyone else to buy it. It's a collection of issue #3 and #4.

You should also go buy the first collection if you haven't:
 Which conveniently has issues #1 and #2!

So if you care about pixels, space, cowboys, cowboys in space, space dragons, or other things that have space in the name for no good reason, go buy Nova Phase book II.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Issue #4 is out today! OUT! Buy it.

You should go by issue 4 of nova phase because it's out and it's all pixelated goodness.

It's for digital download on comixology over there. Also uh...

COOOVER! Look how snazzy.

So go, tell everyone about it. Read it. That sort of thing.

Also, remember that space is full of squares.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Issue #4 comes out on the 10th. That's Wendsday!

Greetings fellow pixel square space lovers!

Issue #4 of Nova Phase finally comes out on the 10th of this month on Comixology. Be excited! It's good.

Here's a bunch of art from it so you believe me:

So, look for it on Wednesday, it'll cost as much as the other issues. One single dollar. Print collection of issue 3-4 hopefully soon to follow, but that's waiting on some cover snafus.

Continue to ride those 8-bit space ships.


Matthew Ritter

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

San Deigo Comic Con

Tomorrow I head to San Deigo Comic Con, where I shall be at the SLG booth with copies of Nova Phase. So, If you or anyone you know happens to be at comic con, you can come buy a copy of Nova Phase!

I'll be betting people money that they'll like my comic. Actual human money. It will work simply, the comic is like six bucks, and I'm willing to bet you seven bucks you'll like it. So, if you buy it, read it, and hate it, I'll buy it back from you with my own personal cash monies.

So, if you want to help bankrupt me, tell everyone to come to the SLG booth at comic con where they can get dollar bills for telling me how bad my comic is after buying it.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Issue #3 is out! Finally. Blah!

Issue 3 is out! And I forgot to mention it on this blog, like a hero. Ahem, here's the press release bibble:

Its Cowboy Bebop meets Super Mario in this dramatic pixel art space western: Nova Phase!

Nova Phase is published by
SLG and Issue 3 is now available from comixology for digital purchase for only 99 cents. Get it here.

In Issue 3: Veronica Darkwater finds herself part of an intergalactic treasure hunt leading across the vast expanses of the stars to a strange planet at the heart of an alien empire. It’s the kind of place danger is always waiting, and this is no exception.


Please go buy it. You'll be my only friend.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nova Phase Phisical Book Out

That's the link to go buy a physical copy of the first two issues of Nova  Phase. I've heard they're spectacular. But i have bought none myself. Yet! *Goes to do that*

The third issue apparently WILL come out. On the 15th of next month. So, if you cared about the first two, mark your calenders to go buy it all digital like.

More issues should follow that. As is the way of comics.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Interviews. Lots of interviews.


The last few weeks a large amount of interviews (for me) came out and went up.

Here they are: A very nice review, and a very nice interview. Both done expertly. Also, it's a cool site for reasons other than this. Fanboy planet interviewed me. A whole planet of fanboys sound terrifying. I was thanked for my time, and it's a pretty good interview. Of the random interviews, i think i liked this one the best, but mostly because it went off on tangents not related to the comic at all. This was just a little review kind of thing. NOT an interview. I was also on the Brotherhood of Evil Geeks podcast. I still don't know what a pod is, or how it can cast spells, but regardless, if you wonder what I sound like with my voice, this is the place for you.

I can make no guarantees that each and everyone of them doesn't have basically the same info. Also, I've never read them back to back, that could prove... repetitive. 

Oh, and I guess, if you want to buy the comic or something and haven't already, go here: